Comic book news & reviews!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Comic-Con, Thursday

First off, the line for Pre-Reg badge pickup was about 3 hours. Yes, three hours. Madness. It gives you an insight to the number of people attending Comic-Con this year. Thankfully, picking up my press pass was a breeze.

At the Occult Crimes Taskforce panel:
The main attraction for me on Thursday was the Rosario Dawson: O.C.T .Panel. Mostly because I'm a big RENT fan. heh. She was very entertaining and I might just have to pick up a copy of OCT's first (and only) trade paperback. The panel included Tony Shasteen's artist strategy. Shasteen does the penciling, inking & coloring all himself. Whew!

Where the magic happened

Writer David Atchison & Rosario Dawson doing some press at their booth

Around the Convention Center:

The master, Bruce Lee (in miniature form) @ the Slideshow Collectibles booth

I love these guys!

At the Lionsgate panel:
Good Luck Chuck isn't exactly Con material but I guess you can't go wrong with Jessica Alba right? I only stayed for the first part of the panel. The Fox moderator needed to work on his material.

The Fire Marshal closed down access into Hall H for the Lionsgate panel.

Storm's Homegirl was able to get in. =D

Hi Dane Cook

Jessica Alba was there too. Needless to say, the crowd went nuts.

Alba & Cook with director, Mark Helfrich

They showed a phone sex clip from the movie. Alba said that she was able to do alot of physical comedy (which she enjoyed). After discussion & clips of the movie, there was a Q&A session. The movie comes out September 21.

At the Lost Season 4 panel:

The funny producers gave away some nice insider tidbits for Season 4. They were happy that they finally have an end date for the show and now they can get on with the story line without having to add "filler." They announced that "Michael" is coming back as a regular cast member! During the Q&A session, someone asked, "Who's in the coffin?" Cuse & Lindelof refused to answer, but Harold Perrineau ("Michael") guessed it was "Locke." The producers also said that they will be going into "Libby's" story this year. They played a clip for the new Lost video game & a little clip for us from the Dharma Initiative. This next season should be a good one! Shooting starts in four weeks.

Executive producers Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof

At the Fanboys panel:
Man, this movie looks funny. The movie's set back when Star Wars: Episode 1 was about to come out. There's a group of friends (all in LOVE with Star Wars) but one of the group members has a terminal illness and won't make it to see the movie when it comes out. The solution? Break into Skywalker Ranch and steal the film before it comes out of course! View the trailer here.

It was a long but fun day. I'm looking forward to the rest of the weekend.